Rental policy

Rental policy

Rental policy 2021

Annual rent adjustment becomes rent freeze

Good news for our tenants: the rent of social rental homes will not increase with the annual rent adjustment. De Kernen will be compensated for this by lowering the landlord levy. This is necessary, among other things for maintenance and to be able to continue to make sustainable and build good affordable homes in our rural working area. De Kernen likes this very much for its tenants. We assume that we receive financial support from the government. Money that is needed for maintenance, new construction and home improvement, among other things.

Also rent reduction

Rent reduction is possible for some tenants. Look further on this page for this.

Rental policy 2020

Unfortunately, we have given a negative advice on the rental policy for the first time this year. De Kernen has proposed a moderate rent increase, but has not taken any steps to reduce inequality in rents.

De Kernen has set target rents for all homes. This is the rent that they strive for and that will in any case apply when the house is re-rented. In a large number of cases, the target rent is lower than the rent paid by the current tenant. This leads to the strange situation where a new tenant pays less rent than the neighbors who have perhaps lived there for 20 years. We want to see this inequality reduced. We are therefore strongly committed to reducing the rent for the current tenants to the target rent and have entered into discussions with De Kernen about this.

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